24 Jul 2010

Poppy Wedding Cake

3 Tier Poppy Wedding Cake with a hint of Baroque style swirls as a background.

I made this cake (Dummy) to be displayed in Susan's of Gosport
 our local Wedding Gown Shop http://www.susansofgosport.co.uk/ and I might add that it is Gosport's one and only store of this kind,
 so I was very excited when my neighbour told me that her friend would like me
 to make a display cake for her store after seeing my cakes online.
Hopefully it will send some Wedding Cake business my way :o)

                                 When I dropped off the cake there were lots of people in there,
which aparently is the norm and the shop itself is lovely,
full of the most gorgeous Wedding Dresses (obviously!)
also Prom Dresses and Eveningwear....
can you guess that I am still excited about the whole thing!!!!

Anyway Hayley (the owner) loved the cake
 and of course the cupcakes I gave her (pictured above)
so she can actually say that she has tried the cakes herself.

Black & White and Red & White are very popular colour combo's for her at the moment
 so I said I would incorporate all three colours together and made this.
I absolutely love poppies and didn't realise actually how popular they are,
since I made the poppies I have seen them everywhere!!!

This cake is a 6", 8" (Double Depth) and a 10"


  1. Nicky, I am 100% positive that you'll get HEAPS of business from this! The cake, like all your work, is absolutely fabulous!

  2. This is such an amazing, beautiful cake.

  3. Thank you both so much!!

    Marianne..........I do hope so, and I would love to make this particular cake for someone on their special day, it's a fave of mine! :o)

  4. You are unbelieveble and your cakes are so beautiful and amazing!!!

  5. Such elegance and beauty for a cake!!! : )

  6. I have already seen this beautiful cake on flickr. And it's one of my favourites.
    I'm lovin it.

  7. Thank you all for the wonderful comments!
